Student Service Center (SSC) Caspian University is an informative resource center that provides effective communication between the university administration and students in a new format, as well as providing advisory, educational, cultural and entertainment services.
The main principles of the activity of the Caspian University SSC are aimed at student orientation, confidentiality of the information received, cooperation based on trust, objectivity in solving issues, providing reliable information.
The main goal of the Caspianuniversity SSC is to support students in solving academic issues and increase the level of loyalty of students towards the university.
SSC activities:
- Support of students in solving academic issues;
- Assistance to students in the process of obtaining education;
- Provision of advisory services in the field of personal and professional development;
- Organization and planning of practice, further assistance in building a student’s career;
- Information support, as well as timely informing students about changes and innovations in the walls of the University;
- Ensuring the safety and confidentiality of the information received;
On the issue of providing high-quality advisory services (in particular: acceptance of documents, expulsion, transfers, reinstatement, provision of academic leave, information on academic performance), as well as on all issues related to the academic process (in particular: issuance of certificates, registration of students for academic disciplines, transfer of credits, transfer of disciplines, issuance of duplicate diplomas and transcripts), students, undergraduates will be able to contact the Student Service Center (Caspian University, 1st floor).
The Center advises students on academic issues throughout the academic period. The Caspian University Data Center is a center where the range of services provided is developed, and the quality and efficiency of which rises to a fundamentally new level.
work schedule Monday-Friday 09:00-18:00 | |
Head of the Caspian University SSC | Amankeldy Nazigul Amankeldievna |
SSC Coordinator | Aripbayev Nursultan
Mukhamedzhanova Dariga |
SSC Coordinator | |
For questions about the educational process and the issuance of certificates, please contact us by email: kou.87086689045@mail.ru By phone: 8 708 668 90 45 (WhatsApp) 250 11 43 (in. number 228) | |
The office of the Registrar of Caspian University is an academic service that registers the entire history of the student’s academic achievements. The Registrar’s office is a structural unit within the Caspian University DSP.
The main goal of any student is to receive a quality education with the acquisition of skills, competencies and abilities.
The main task of the registrar’s office is to organize effective management of the academic process, as well as to assist students in the formation and implementation of educational trajectories for obtaining an academic bachelor’s degree, master’s degree in the chosen specialty with high quality competencies and skills.
The activities of the Office are carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education” dated July 27, 2007.
The main functions of the Office:
- Implementation of constant monitoring of the movement of the contingent of students and undergraduates;
- Reception and formation of personal files in accordance with the requirements;
- Registration and storage of individual curriculum of students and undergraduates;
- Providing access to the statements, maintaining the transcript, calculating the GPA and the average score of students and undergraduates;
- Keeping logs on the registration of orders;
- Execution of orders for the personnel of students and undergraduates
The successful activity of the Office provides significant development to the process of full-fledged implementation of the credit system of higher education, which allows the student to take an active part in the entire educational process, forming an individual learning trajectory.
*The registrar’s office is located on the 1st floor of Caspian University (Seifullina 521) – 113 kab:
Deputy Head | Сатан Айгерим Берікқызы |
Office Registrar | Кыдырбек-улы Жулдыз (курирует АСАиД) |
Office Registrar | Исаева Ханым (курирует ВШП «Әділет», ИГиНГД иІТ) |
Office Registrar | Қасымхан Мөлдір (курирует ВШЭиУ) |
Office Registrar | Савирдинова Дияра (курирует ВШГН, магистратуру, докторантуру PhD) |
Attention of students!
Following the results of the summer examination session of the 2020/2021 academic year, a competition is announced for awarding vacant educational grants. Documents are being accepted for consideration by the commission for awarding vacant educational grants for the following educational programs (information on the number of grants in the context of educational programs is attached below).
Acceptance of applications for vacant state educational grants. Applications are accepted until July 27, 2021 through the Student Service Center
Requirements for candidates:
Students of the paid department can apply for the vacant place of state educational grants according to the following criteria:
- According to the group of educational programs “B045 Audit and Taxation” – having no academic debt, GPA of at least 3.5, having grades not lower than A, A- (“excellent”), B+, B, B- (good).
- According to the group of educational programs “B057 Information Technology”, GPA not less than 3.5, having grades not lower than A, A- (“excellent”)
- According to the group of educational programs “B071 Mining and mining”, who do not have academic debt, GPA of at least 2.95 having mixed grades.
Required documents:
1. Application addressed to the Rector of the Caspian Public University;
2. Transcript for the entire period of study;
3. A copy of the identity card.
№ | Code and name of the educational program/ specialty | Course | Number of vacant grants |
1 | 6B04111 – Accounting and auditing | 2 | 1 |
2 | 6B07252 – Mining and oil and gas business | 2 | 2 |
3 | 6B06120 – Software Engineering | 2 | 1 |
ВСЕГО | 4 |
*In order to provide high-quality advisory services, samples of applications for submission to the Student Service Center and the Registrar’s Office are provided for download in electronic form.