![]() | Dean – Nazigul Amankeldinovna, PhD, Associate Professor |
Dear friends!
We are sure that most of you were on the page of the Higher School of Economics and Management not by chance. Surely you have heard a lot about the Caspian Public University and today you can decide to become a student of our University.
Training at the Higher School of Economics and Management is aimed at the economic and innovative development of the country, based on the training of highly qualified personnel who are able to successfully apply their knowledge in modern economic and social conditions.
The Higher School of Economics and Management implements a multi–level education system “Bachelor’s – master’s – doctoral studies”. Personnel training is provided by updating the content of educational programs and the introduction of innovative learning technologies.
Already today, the staff of the Higher School of Economics and Management is entering new positions in their professional and pedagogical activities. From the 2019-2020 academic year, the Higher School of Economics and Management provides for personnel training according to new educational programs: “Hospitality Management”, “Financial Risk Management”, “Digital Marketing”, “Public Service and Management”, “Public Finance”, “Corporate Finance”, “Logistics Management”, “Corporate Management”.
The educational component is aimed at constantly updating the content of the educational environment, the formation of new methods and directions in educational programs that have an increased demand for promoting ideas, developing solutions and analyzing start-up projects.
Getting in–depth knowledge of the specialty is what you will acquire over the years of studying at the University. From the very first courses, classes are held with the involvement of employers, internships and internships are carried out in various companies and financial institutions, at enterprises that are corporate partners of our University.
Teachers and staff of the Higher School of Economics and Management wish you to become highly qualified, in-demand specialists, professionals in your field and active members of society in the near future.
You can take your first professional steps at our University, become a part of it, and write your achievements into its bright and eventful history. We are open to everything new, positive and progressive and will gladly open our doors for you!
We are waiting for you at our University!
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Contact details of the Dean’s office:
Phone number: 112
Instagram: higt_school_of_economics_management
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![]() | Leader of educational programs in the field of “Finance and Accounting”- Paramonova Rimma Sultankulovna – k.e.n., associate professor | |
![]() | Leader of educational programs in the field of training “Public Service and Management”, “Production Economics”, “Hospitality Management” Master’s degree: “Economics of production”- Maukenova Altynay Amanbaevna – k.e.n., associate professor |
Field of study “Economics and Management” | |
![]() | Zhusupova Aliya Mukashevna |
![]() | Bykovskaya Yulia Olegovna |
![]() | Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbayevna |
Dadabayeva Banu Maratovna | |
Aripbayev Nursultan Boranbaevich | |
Saurambekova Asem Bakhytzhanovna | |
The direction of training “Finance and accounting” | |
![]() | Kabdeshova Ansagan Askarovna |
Kazimova Aigul Halidullayevna | |
Kydyrbek-ulyk Zhuldyz Algatbekovna | |
Kalmanova Nabira Maylanovna | |
Kumarkhanova Nurgul Nurmysheva |
6B04109 – Public service and management
The purpose of the educational program «Public Service and Management» is for future graduates to manage public processes, allocate resources that belong to the state. A distinctive feature is the formation of professionally applied, managerial and personal competencies that are crucial in performing the functions and tasks of any state body.
Bachelors of the educational program 6B04109 – «Public Service and Management» can work in various republican and local economic structures, sociological services, organizational units of the public administration system. Bachelors of Business and Management have all the necessary knowledge and practical skills for qualified work as middle managers of the public administration system and can subsequently carry out in various managerial positions.
The spheres of professional activity of graduates of this educational program (bachelors of Business and Management) are the real sector of the economy, public service. Graduates of this OP can perform various functions in the implementation of managerial, financial activities of economic entities. When implementing this activity, bachelors evaluate the market situation and make management decisions, analyze the state of the object under study, determine their priorities. Carry out the development of strategic and tactical planning. They organize, manage and control the entire management process taking into account changes in the market environment.
The objects of professional activity are public administration bodies, public service organizations, state or quasi-state forms of ownership, educational institutions and research institutes and organizations.
Program Leader: Altynai Amanbaevna Maukenova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
6B04110 – «Economics of production»
The purpose of the educational program «Economics of Production» is to train a specialist of a new formation with broad fundamental knowledge, proactive, adaptive to the changing requirements of the labor market and technology, able to work in a team.
A bachelor in this educational program must have a set of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to solving problems of an economic and organizational nature, the use of modern technologies, information processing, decision-making in a dynamically changing external environment. Have sufficient theoretical training to solve practical problems and problems in non-standard situations, conditions of uncertainty and risk. A bachelor should be practically prepared for creative, active professional and social activities, high-quality performance of practical tasks within the framework of economic and other managerial functions, have a theoretical understanding of the basics of the organization of production, the patterns of development of society, the economic behavior of people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services.
Graduates of this educational program can use knowledge and skills in their professional and social activities, set goals and formulate tasks related to the implementation of professional functions, find solutions to typical tasks and solve non-standard tasks, independently work in positions requiring an analytical approach, professionally solve practical issues of economic activity of the enterprise and management organization, choose the most effective development of an economic entity.
Program Leader: Altynai Amanbaevna Maukenova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
6B04107 – «Management»
The purpose of the educational program «Management» is to train specialists who are able to professionally conduct business and management activities using advanced management achievements of science and practice, information and communication technologies.
Bachelors of the educational program «6B04107 – Management» can work in various economic structures, sociological services, organizational units of the management system, intersectoral complexes, management bodies, joint-stock companies, various business partnerships and non-profit organizations, engage in business and entrepreneurship. Bachelors of Business and Management have all the necessary knowledge and practical skills for qualified work as middle managers of the management system and can subsequently be used in various managerial positions.
The spheres of professional activity of graduates of this educational program (bachelors of Business and Management) are the real sector of the economy, the financial and banking system, business and entrepreneurship.
Graduates of this educational program can perform various functions in the implementation of managerial, entrepreneurial, financial activities of economic entities. When implementing this activity, bachelors evaluate the market situation and make management decisions, analyze the state of the object under study, determine their priorities. Carry out the development of strategic and tactical planning. They organize, manage and control the entire management process taking into account changes in the market environment.
Program leader: Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna, Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
6B04114 – «Marketing»
The purpose of educational program «Marketing» is to train specialists who are able to professionally conduct marketing activities and business using advanced achievements of science and practice, marketing, information and communication technologies.
Bachelors of the educational program 6B04114 – «Marketing» can hold the following positions: marketing manager; advertising manager; sales manager; public relations manager; trade manager; brand manager; logistics manager; expert manager; quality manager; commodity manager.
The sphere of professional activity – graduates can perform various functions in the implementation of managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial and research activities of economic entities. When implementing production and sales and scientific and technical activities, bachelors study marketing opportunities and the environment of economic entities, conduct marketing research, select a target segment, predict consumer demand and position products for the selected segment, develop a policy in the field of product management, price, sales and communications aimed at meeting consumer needs and making a profit, develop strategic and current marketing plans and monitor their implementation.
The field of professional activity of bachelors includes markets (commodity, stock, information; capital, labor, etc.), marketing opportunities of economic entities, marketing research, consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, contact audiences, competitors, industrial and consumer goods, services, promotion elements (advertising, public relations, personal contacts, sales promotion); state institutions, service enterprises (hotels, public catering enterprises catering, travel companies), manufacturing and intermediary enterprises, international chambers of commerce, trading houses, transport and communications, warehousing, political entities, public organizations, individuals and societies.
Program leader: Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna, Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
6B04115 – «Digital marketing»
The purpose of the EP “Digital Marketing” is training of specialists who are able to use digital technologies to influence, promote goods and services in order to attract, retain customers and ensure a wide coverage of the target audience.
Bachelors of the educational program 6B04115-«Digital Marketing» can hold the following positions: marketing manager; advertising manager; sales manager; public relations manager; trade manager; brand manager; logistics manager; expert manager; quality manager; commodity manager.
The sphere of professional activity – graduates in this specialty can perform various functions in the implementation of managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial and research activities of economic entities. When implementing production and sales and scientific and technical activities, bachelors study marketing opportunities and the environment of economic entities, conduct marketing research, select a target segment, predict consumer demand and position products for the selected segment, develop a policy in the field of product management, price, sales and communications aimed at meeting consumer needs and making a profit, develop strategic and current marketing plans and monitor their implementation.
The field of professional activity of bachelors includes marketing research in various areas (market research, goods/services, consumers, intermediaries, competitors, marketing environment and elements of the marketing mix) for subsequent strategic decision-making by business entities in the field of market segmentation, target segment selection, positioning (repositioning) of goods/services of business entities, development of corporate and instrumental strategies. The implementation of such marketing activities requires a bachelor’s knowledge of the principles and methods of management, entrepreneurship and business activity, the ability to make effective marketing decisions based on high professional competence in the field of economics, management, finance, lending, accounting and auditing, econometrics.
Program leader: Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna, Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
6B04111 – «Accounting and audit»
The purpose of the Accounting and Audit educational program is to train competitive personnel of a new formation with knowledge in the field of accounting, financial reporting, auditing and analysis of the economic activities of the organization, capable of continuous self-development and professional growth.
Graduates of this educational program are proficient in modern methods of collecting, processing and presenting information about business processes at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and branches of the economy, have the skills to compile financial statements and the ability to analyze it, possess various accounting and auditing programs using international financial reporting and auditing standards in practical situations.
Bachelors of the Accounting and Audit educational program can work as accountants, financial consultants, financial directors, auditors, managers, financial analysts in Kazakhstani and international companies, in national and private companies, in the banking sector. Knowing all the nuances of financial accounting will help them when managing their own business.
Program Leader: Rimma Sultankulovna Parmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
6B04112 – «Public finance»
The purpose of the educational program «Public Finance» is to prepare bachelors with fundamental knowledge and practical skills in the field of finance and financial relations, able to analyze methods of mobilizing public revenues, sources of financing public expenditures, budget deficits, and public debt; to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of the functioning of the financial system of the state and the principles of its construction, as well as methods of budget regulation; use the existing regulatory documents in the process of analyzing the financial and budgetary system of the state.
The graduate of OP 6B04112 «Public Finance» is prepared to work in state bodies of the republican and local levels, banks, exchanges, financial and insurance companies, investment funds, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the UAPF, treasury bodies, financial departments and departments at akimats of various levels, financial services of enterprises and organizations of all forms property, i.e. in positions requiring higher professional education.
Graduates of this educational program carry out managerial, entrepreneurial, commercial activities at enterprises of all forms of ownership and spheres of activity, financial authorities and insurance, banking organizations, in the securities market.
Program Leader: Rimma Sultankulovna Parmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
6B04113 – «Corporate Finance»
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare bachelors with fundamental knowledge and practical skills in the field of finance and financial relations, able to make effective investment and dividend decisions on risk management, mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of the corporation; calculate the cost of raising equity and debt capital of the corporation and determine its optimal structure; assess the financial condition and predict the financial activities of the corporation.
After completing the program, graduates can work with big data, visualize it, conduct independent financial research, calculate and forecast financial indicators, evaluate the value of various business assets using information technology, and make informed financial decisions.
The objects of professional activity of graduates are state bodies of the republican and territorial level: the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of National Economy, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for Control and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, economic services of ministries and departments, banks, exchanges, budget organizations, investment funds, economic entities of various organizational andlegal forms, economic courts
Program Leader: Rimma Sultankulovna Parmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
7M04136(37) – «Financial risk management»
The main goal of the Master’s degree program is the acquisition by students of in-depth financial and economic knowledge. At the same time, graduates of the profile direction program receive broad, fundamental knowledge, thanks to which they are able to adapt to the changing requirements of the professional sphere and modern processes. Graduates of the scientific and pedagogical direction program demonstrate a high degree of professionalism and are able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, as well as successfully engage in pedagogical and administrative activities
The educational programs of the profile master’s degree are applied in nature and are aimed at acquiring skills and competencies with in-depth knowledge of applied financial disciplines and modern digital solutions in the field of finance in the real and public sectors of the economy.
Masters in educational program 7M04136 – «Financial risk management» can hold primary positions of specialists and other employees in the financial and credit system of the manager of the top management of the financial and banking system; manager for research and forecasting of the financial market; manager for the development of sound management decisions in all functional areas of enterprises; expert, consultant, auditor for issues of financial activity of enterprises of various forms of ownership
Masters in 7M04137 – «Financial Risk Management» can hold the position of a teacher of a higher and secondary vocational educational institution; a specialist in the development of strategic and operational plans for the development of firms and industries; a specialist in economic and financial analytical services of enterprises and organizations of various organizational and legal forms
The objects of professional activity of graduates of the master’s degree in scientific and pedagogical direction are research institutes; higher educational institutions; state and local government bodies; production and economic, planning and economic, socio-managerial and marketing, financial and analytical services of enterprises and organizations; units of foreign economic activity.
Program Leader: Rimma Sultankulovna Parmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
7M04130 – «Corporate Management» (2 year of study)
The purpose of the educational program «Corporate Management» is to train a new generation of managers who are able to comprehensively develop scientific approaches and solve practical analytical tasks of corporate management based on the use of modern management technologies, as well as capable of teaching management sciences at the level of higher education.
Graduates of educational program 7M04130 – «Corporate Management» can work as a manager, department manager, department head, deputy director, director, vice president of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership. The spheres of professional activity of graduates of this educational program are the real sector of the economy, the financial and banking system, business and entrepreneurship.
Also, the scientific and pedagogical orientation of educational program 7M04130 – «Corporate management» gives graduates the opportunity to work as a consultant, researcher, senior, leading or chief researcher of research organizations, expert, consultant of educational and methodological institutions, teacher, senior lecturer of technical and vocational education organizations or higher educational institutions in the profile of training, thereby carrying out research, expert advisory and pedagogical activities.
The objects of professional activity are public administration bodies, public, private or quasi-public forms of ownership, educational institutions and research institutes and organizations.
Program leader: Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna, Master of Economics, senior lecturer.
7M04131 – «Corporate management» (1 year of study)
The purpose of the educational program «Corporate Management» is to train a new generation of managers who are able to comprehensively solve analytical problems of economics and management, develop an organization’s development strategy, form a team of professionals and effectively use the latest business technologies.
Graduates of the educational program 7M04131 – «Corporate Management» can work in various economic structures, sociological services, organizational units of the management system of organizations of all forms of ownership. Masters of Economics and Business have all the necessary knowledge and practical skills for qualified work as middle managers of the management system and can subsequently carry out in various managerial positions.
The spheres of professional activity of graduates of this educational program are the real sector of the economy, the public service, the private sector of the economy, public-private partnership. Graduates of this educational program can perform various functions in the implementation of managerial, financial activities of economic entities. When implementing this activity, masters assess the market situation and make management decisions, analyze the state of the object under study, determine their priorities. Carry out the development of strategic and tactical planning. They organize, manage and control the entire management process taking into account changes in the market environment.
The subject of the professional activity of the Master of Economics and Business is the ability to conduct management research in various areas of the organization’s activities for the subsequent adoption of strategic management decisions, for the formation and maintenance of an effective system of organizational, economic and managerial relations at facilities. To implement the decisions taken, the master’s degree requires knowledge of methods, rules and procedures of strategic and tactical planning, entrepreneurship and business activity based on high professional competence in the field of economics, marketing, finance, innovation, personnel management, econometrics.
Program leader: Otarbayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna, Master of Economics, senior lecturer.
8D04149 – Finance
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare PhD doctors in the profile of «Finance» at the international level for scientific, pedagogical, entrepreneurial activities, as well as highly qualified practitioners engaged in the study of theoretical and practical issues of management and organization of finance, money circulation, credit, insurance and securities market, owning scientific methods of research of economic and monetary processes.
The professional activity of Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) is connected with both scientific and teaching activities, as well as work in business and public service.
The educational program 8D04149 – Finance involves fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in the relevant areas of science for the branches of the national economy and the social sphere.
Graduates of educational program 8D04149 – FINANCE can perform the following types of professional activities: financial and cash flow management, as well as financial control in commercial organizations, including financial and credit, non-profit organizations, public authorities and local governments, non-governmental and public organizations; research of financial, monetary, credit markets in academic and departmental scientific-research institutions, non-governmental research funds and organizations, consulting and investment companies; pedagogical activity in institutions of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education.
Program Leader: Rimma Sultankulovna Parmanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
№ | last name first name patronymic Academic/academic degree Position/ academic/ academic title | Subjects to be read |
![]() | Абдикулова Патима Жаксылыковна д.э.н., академический профессор | 1. Логика 3. Экономикалық пәндерді оқыту әдістемесі 4. Қазақ тілінде іс-жүргізу |
![]() | Мархаева Баянслу Ахилбековна. д.э.н., академический профессор | 1. Экономический анализ 2. Управленческий учет I,2 |
Абишева Жумагуль Абилькасымовна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Практикалық аудит | |
Әшімова Жибек Наметхановна, к.э.н. , ассоциированный профессор | 1. Автоматизированные системы в бухгалтерском учете в новом формате (дуальное обучение) 3. ХЕҚС және қолдану мәселелері | |
Бохаев Дауренбек Тастаевич, к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Мамандық бойынша практикум «Нұрбанк» АҚ банк бизнесін ұйымдастыру» | |
![]() | Гриднева Елена Евгеньевна, к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Академическое письмо 2. Этика бизнеса 3. Международная экономика 4. Экономическая безопасность предприятия |
![]() | Гуляева Светлана Павловна к.э.н. ассоциированный профессор | 1. Управление человеческими ресурсами 2. Социальное предпринимательство 3. Корпоративное управление 4. Производственный менедмент, 5. Макроэкономика |
![]() | Гумар Назира Ануарбековна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Ақша, несие, банк 2. Инвестицияларды қаржыландыру және несиелеу 3. Диплом алдындағы талдау/Жоба алдындағы талдау |
![]() | Даржанова Мунира Шамсутдиновна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Ценообразование, 2. Инновационный менеджмент |
![]() | Дуйсенгулова Нуржамал Салимгереевна к.э.н. ассоциированный профессор Первый проректор, проректор по УМР КОУ | 1 Производственная практика |
Жангирова Римма Нурмуханбетовна к.э.н., доцент ККСОН МОН РК | 1 Управление экономическим потенциалом предприятия 2. Практикум по специальности 3. Экономический анализ 4. Экономика рынка труда | |
![]() | Жолдасбаева Тогжан Каимовна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Макроэкономика 2. Оценка стоимости предприятия 3. Методика преподавания экономических дисциплин 4.Экономика предприятия |
![]() | Жусупова Алия Мукашевна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Методология проведения тренингов 2. Стратегический маркетинг 3. Маркетинговый анализ, 4. Поведение потребителей |
![]() | Калиакпарова Гульнар Шаймардановна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Финансовый учет I, II 2. Налоговый учет 3. Международные платежные системы 4. Бухгалтерский учет и аудит 5. Международные стандарты аудита 6. Анализ финансовой отчетности и прогнозирования финансовых результатов 7. Управленческий учет I 8. Бухгалтерский учет в строительстве |
![]() | Маукенова Алтынай Аманбаевна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор Лидер программ НП «Государственная служба и управление», «Экономика производства», «Менеджмент гостеприимства» | 1. Менеджмент 2. Управленческий маркетинг 3.Преддипломный/предпроектный анализ |
![]() | Парманова Римма Султанкуловна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор Лидер программ НП «Финансы и учет» | 1 Введение в финансы 2. Қаржыға кіріспе 3. Государственный бюджет |
![]() | Телагусова Эльмира Оразбаевна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Современные финансовые инструменты 2. Налоговая система РК 3. Финансирование инвестиционных проектов 4. ҚР салық жүйесі 5. Мировые финансовые рынки 6. Страховой рынок Казахстана 7. Финансирование инвестиционных проектов 8. Налоговый менеджмент |
Тлеуова Дарига Аблаевна к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор | 1. Финансовый учет в соответствии с МСФО 2. Финансовый контроль и аудит 3. Практикум по специальности «1С:Предприятие» 4. МСФО для малого и среднего бизнеса 5. Государственный контроль и аудит 6. Практикум по специальности «Налоги и налогообложение» 7. Практикум по специальности «Основы учета и аудита» | |
![]() | Аманкелді Нәзігүл Аманкелдіқызы PhD, ассоциированный профессор декан ВШЭиУ, | 1. Финансовый анализ |
Бахыт Ерик Бахытулы PhD, ассоциированный профессор | 1. Қаржылық менеджмент 2. Финансовый менеджмент 3. Корпоративтік қаржы 4. Қаржы саясаты 5. Бағалы қағаздар нарығы 6. Методология и организация исследовательской деятельности | |
![]() | Имрамзиева Мунира Ялкуновна PhD, ассоциированный профессор | 1. Деньги, кредит, банки 2. Банковская система РК 3. Корпоративные финансы 4. Практикум по специальности «Организация банковского бизнеса АО «Нурбанк 5. Валютные операции (на англ) |
Мурзалива Айменай Кенесбаевна PhD, ассоциированный профессор | 1. Бухгалтерское делопроизводство 2. Бюджетирование 3. Налоговый учет 4. Дисциплина по системе дуального обучения «Налоги и налогообложение» 5. Практикум по специальности 1C:предприятия 6. Автоматизированные системы в бухгалтерском учете 7. Моделирование финансовых проектов 8. Финансовый учет II | |
![]() | Несипбеков Еркин Несипбекович PhD, ассоциированный профессор | 1. Государственный бюджет 2. Корпоративтік қаржы 3. Құрылыстағы бухгалтерлік есеп 4. Бухгалтерский учет в организациях малого бизнеса 5. Қаржылық есеп-II 6. Дағдарысқа қарсы басқару 7. Жоспарлау және болжау 8. Тайм-менеджмент бойынша практикум 9. Тренинг жүргізу әдістемесі, 10. Басқарушылық шешімдерді құру және қабылдау, 11. Жобалық менеджмент, 12. Саяси менеджмент |
![]() | Арипбаев Нурсултан Боранбаевич магистр экономических наук, ассистент профессора | 1.Бизнес этикасы |
![]() | Ащеулова Наталья Андреевна сеньор-лектор | 1. Экономическая теория, 2. Микроэкономика, 3. Бизнес-планирование |
![]() | Бастарова Улдар Ботабаевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Ислам қаржысы 2. ҚР банктік жүйесі 3. Корпоративтік қаржы 4. Мемлекеттік бақылау және аудит 5. Қаржы-несие мекемелерін басқару 6. Мемлекеттік бюджет 7. Инвестицияларды қаржыландыру және несиелендіру 8. Қаржы нарығы жне делдалдары 9. Қаржылық талдау |
![]() | Беделбекова Толкынай Нусипалиевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Академиялық хат 2. Халықаралық экономика 3. Ұйымдастырушылық мінез-құлық 4. Кәсіпорынның құнын бағалау 5. Бизнес |
![]() | Бекмурзаева Асель Яшаровна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Государственная служба 2. Государственные услуги и электронное правительство 3. Практикум по специальности 4. Внешнеэкономическая и внешнеполитическая деятельность государственных органов, 5. Практикум по специальности 6. Методика принятия и исполнения государственных решений |
![]() | Берсалимова Айтолқын Анваровна магистр экономических наук, ассистент профессора | 1. Управление человеческими ресурсами 2. Производственный менеджмент |
![]() | Быковская Юлия Олеговна МВА, сеньор-лектор | 1. Стратегический менеджмент 2. Деловые коммункации, 3. Менеджмент |
Гулимбетова Рая Ургенишбаевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Мамандық бойынша практикум 2. Мемлекеттік қаржы 3. Қаржылық есеп және есептілік мамандық бойынша практикум 4. ҚЕХС сәйкес қаржылық есеп 5. Бухгалтерлік есеп, қаржылық есептеме және аудит негіздері | |
Дадабаева Бану Маратовна магистр экономических наук, ассистент профессора | 1. Государственное регулирование | |
![]() | Днимова Жадыра Шаяхметовна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Маркетинг, 2. Тайм-менеджмент, 3. Маркетинговые коммункации |
Зайнулла Жулдыз Сабиткызы магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Бюджеттеу 2. Қаржыға кіріспе 3. Слияние, реструктуризация и банкротство компании 4. Қаржы мамандық бойынша практикум | |
![]() | Кабдешова Ансаган Аскаровна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Қаржыға кіріспе 2. Мамандық бойынша практикум «Нұрбанк» АҚ банк бизнесін ұйымдастыру» 3. Введение в специальность 4. Государственный бюджет 5. Исламские финансы 6. Сақтандыру 7. Деньги, кредит, банки 8. Исламские финансы |
Казимова Айгуль Халидуллаевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Этика бизнеса, 2. Корпоративная культура | |
![]() | Калманова Набира Майлановна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Қаржылық тәуекелдер Мемлекеттік бюджет 2. ҚР банктік жүйесі 3. Ақша-несиелік реттеу 4. Мамандық бойынша практикум «Сақтандыру ісі СК «Евразия» 5. Валютные операции (на англ) 6. Компанияның қосылуы, қайта құрылуы және күйреуі 7. Қаржылық менеджмент |
Калышев Сайран Магауянович магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Экономикалық теория 2. Макроэкономика 3. Корпоративті мәдениет 4. Маркетинг 5. Іскерлік коммуникациялар мамандық бойынша практикум | |
Куандыкова Маржан Болатбековна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Мемлекеттік қызметтер және электронды үкімет 2. Кәсіпорынның экономикалық қауіпсіздігі 3. Экономиканы мемлекеттік реттеу 4. Мемлекеттік-діни қатынастардың негіздері 5. Основы государственно-религиозных отношений 6. Мемлекеттік саясат | |
![]() | Кумарханова Нургуль Нурмышевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Бухгалтерлік есеп және аудит 2. ҚЕХС 3. Орта бизнес ұйымның бухгалтерлік есебі 4. История бухгалтерского учета 5. Практикум по специальности «Финансовое планирование в компании» 6. Аудит және есеп негіздері мамандық бойынша практикум |
![]() | Кыдырбек-улы Жулдыз Алгатбеккызы магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Валютные операции (на англ) 2. Денежно-кредитное регулирование 3. Практикум по специальности «Государственные финансы» |
![]() | Отарбаева Айжан Базарбаевна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор Лидер программ «Менеджмент», «Маркетинг», «Digital-маркетинг», Магистратура: «Корпоративный менеджмент», «Менеджмент в логистике», | 1. Менеджмент 2. Бизнесті ұйымдастыру 3. Организация бизнеса 4. Экономика и управление производством 5. Экономика және өндірісті басқару |
![]() | Саурамбекова Асем Бахытжановна магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Логистикалық менеджмент 2. Сапаны басқару 3. Государственная политика |
![]() | Шерзатов Канат Аманханович магистр экономических наук, сеньор-лектор | 1. Бухгалтерлік іс жүргізу 2. Қаржылық есеп-II 3. Салық есебі 4. Қаржылық есеп- I 5. Бухгалтерлік есеп негіздері 6. Қаржылық бақылау және аудит 7. Практикум по специальности «Государственные финансы» |
General information
The University successfully implements the program of outgoing and incoming academic mobility on the basis of the Higher School of Economics and Management. This program is designed for students and teachers.
The program provides an opportunity to study at another university (domestic or foreign) during one academic period.
Recognition of learning outcomes obtained within the framework of academic mobility is regulated by the Academic Policy of the KOU, section 14. Academic mobility policy.
List of partners
University of Gdansk (Poland)
Voronezh State University (Russia)
A. S. Griboyedov Moscow University (Russia)
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov (Kazakhstan)
Baltic International Academy (Latvia)
East Eigoreap University (Georgia)
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine).
Academic mobility of students
In the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year , within the framework of cooperation agreements with partner universities , the following students are studying at the Higher School of Economics and Management:
Abramova Alina Vitalievna (specialty “Finance and Credit”, 2nd year, VSU, Voronezh, Russia)
Anisimova Karina Maksimovna (specialty “Organization Management”, 2nd year, VSU, Voronezh, Russia)
Darina Nikolaevna Belkova (specialty “VVA Management”, 2nd year, VSU, Voronezh, Russia)
Suleimenova Ayazhan Bakytzhankyzy (OP “6B04106 Accounting and audit”, 3rd year, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov)
Mikentaeva Aisha Kayratovna (OP “6B04106 Accounting and audit”, 3rd year, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov)
Nasira Musakhmetova Ondasynkyzy (OP “6B04106 Accounting and Audit”, 3rd year, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov)
Academic mobility of teachers
In June 2022, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Caspian Public University and the University of Gdansk (Poland) on the implementation of the Erasmus+ mobility program of the European Union, aimed at promoting the modernization and sustainable development of the education and vocational training system, HSE teachers Imramzieva M.Ya. and Otarbayeva A.B. were trained at the University of Gdansk (Poland).
The purpose of the trip is to implement the academic mobility of HSE teachers under the international program of the European Union Erasmus+.
FOR THE PERIOD 2020-2022
On November 18, 2020, students of Caspian University HSE&U took 3rd place in the on-line debate in the International scientific and methodological online event “DAY OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY – TENGE”, which was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. Scientific adviser Gumar Nazira Anuarbekovna.
On November 19, 2020, students of Caspian University HSE&U took 3rd place at the international scientific and practical conference “Global pandemic and further development of the financial system of Kazakhstan: threats, risks and points of growth”, participating in section 2 “Banking business and the stock market”, which was held in Narxoz University.
On the same day, students of Caspian University HSE&U took 2nd place at the Interuniversity Student Projects Olympiad: Innovations and Financial Technologies in the Global Economy, which was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. Scientific adviser Gumar Nazira Anuarbekovna.
On November 20, 2020, Caspian University students took 2nd place in the student work competition of the International Scientific and Practical Hybrid Conference (on-line and off-line format) “The financial sector as a driver for the modernization of socio-economic processes under the influence of the covid-19 pandemic”, which was held at the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations. Scientific adviser Gumar Nazira Anuarbekovna.
November 24, 2021 student of Caspian University Evdokova V.A. took 2nd place at the 2021 graduation qualification works competition of the VI All-Russian Student Olympiad in Accounting named after Y.V. Sokolov. Scientific adviser Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna.
Student Kalugin A.S. took 1st place at the International Olympiad in International Auditing Standards, organized by Academician E.A. Buketov KarU. Scientific adviser Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna.
In March 2021, student Victoria Apenko took 2nd place at the VI Interregional Competition of Projects and Research Works “Information Technologies in Economics, Management and Business”, held by Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin. Scientific adviser Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna.
In May 2021, Rakhmedinova Dinara took 3rd place in the RSPO in the specialty “Accounting and Audit” “Organization of accounting and analysis of bank provisions in a pandemic in accordance with IFRS 9”, which was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. Scientific adviser Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna.
On April 12, 2022, a student of Caspian University Makhmetova Karlygash took 2nd place at the International Olympiad on International Auditing Standards, held by Academician E.A. Buketov KarU. Scientific supervisors Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna and Kabdeshova Ansagan Askarovna.
Alina Kelvikh, Natalia Naydenova, Artem Leontiev received diplomas of the 2nd degree, and
Kaldarbekova Bolsynay, Asadulin Farit – a certificate of participation in the III Republican Distance Olympiad among 1-4 year students of universities of the specialty Management, organized by the scientific and educational center “Inn & Science Asia” (Ust-Kamenogorsk). Scientific adviser Abilkasova Bakhyt Nurmashovna.
On May 12, 2022, certification was passed for the assignment of the professional qualification “Project Manager Assistant” from the Certification Center at the NCE RK “Atameken” for students of 1-3 courses of the HSE&U. Students are included in the register of specialists of the Center for Certification of the SPM of the RK, and a Memorandum for the annual certification of graduates of the Caspian University was signed with the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head Abilkasova Bakhyt Nurmashovna.
On November 25, 2022, students of Caspian University Meyirzhan Bekzat, Nurkasym Dana, Amangeldy Bekzada, Kelis Asiya, Arystanova Diana took 3rd place in the national subject Olympiad in the discipline “Microeconomics” at Al-Farabi KazNU. Scientific supervisors Otaryuayeva Aizhan Bazarbaevna and Karimova Madina Dautovna.
Also, in November 2022, a student of Caspian University Tleubaeva A. took 1st place in the competition of final qualifying works of 2021 of the VII All-Russian Student Olympiad in Accounting named after Y.V. Sokolov. Scientific adviser Nurgalieva Aliya Miazhenovna.
November 15, 2022 was the day of victories for the Caspian University Higher School of Economics and Management.
Students Ibragimova Ayaulym and Kayrankyzy Korlan took an honorable 2nd place in the Republican debates held at KazNU. Al-Farabi
On the same day, at the International Scientific and Practical Conference organized by Narxoz University, Abatova Ayaulym took 3rd place and Eltai Akbota received the nomination “For the creativity of expert opinion”.
And already on November 18, 2022, at the International Conference on the topic: “Kazakhstannyn karzhy narygyndagy tsiflyk transformation: trends and perspectives”, organized by KazNU. Al-Farabi students of Caspian University Sattarova Araylym and Zhurunova Dana took the honorable 3rd place.
The scientific adviser of the winners is Nazira Anuarbekovna Gumar, Ph.D.
A series of victories for students of the Caspian University Higher School of Economics and Management suggests that the level of training, as well as the curriculum and the approach of the teaching staff, are heading in the right direction. The use of new methods and materials enables students to keep up with trends and be in demand in the market.
Surname First Name Patronymic, Professorial Teaching Staff, academic degree | Achievements Teaching Staff |
Ащеулова Н.А. | «АЛГЫС БIЛДРЕДI» за подписью Министра образования Сагадиева Е. Астана 2018г |
Гумар Н.А. | 1. Обладатель медали «Отличник в сфере образования» Общественного Фонда по званиям и наградам (2018 г.) |
2. Обладатель медали «Лидер образования» Международного фонда «WORLD OF PEACE» (2015 г.) | |
Кабдешова А.А. | 1.Благадарственное письмо от Ректора КОУ 30.11.2020. |
2.Благодарственное письмо от Ректора КОУ 16.12.2021. | |
3.Благадарственное письмо от KASE 10.11.2022 №23-05/2439 | |
Калиакпарова Г.Ш. | 1) 15.12.2017 г. – грамота министра образования и науки Сагадиева Е. за личный вклад в развитие системы образования Республики Казахстан |
2) 09.06.2020 г. – медаль Ассоциации педагогов Казахстана за значительный вклад в воспитание поколения и образование страны | |
Калманова Н.М. | 2020г.Нагрудный знак имени «Ы. Алтынсарина», Казахстанская ассоциация учителей. «Отличник года-2020» |
Кумарханова Н.Н. | Грамота от Акима Алмалинского района за значительный труд по укреплению фундамента национального валюты нашей Республики Казахстан. |
Мархаева Б.А. | Лучший преподаватель вуза-2016, МОН РК |
Парманова Р.С. | 1. Лауреат Премии им. Ч.Валиханова за лучшее научное исследование в области гуманитарных наук 2013 г. |
2. Нагрудный знак им. Ы.Алтынсарина за достижения в педагогической деятельности, 2014 г.№000179, от 3.03.2014 г. | |
3. Лауреат ІІ Международного конкурса «Лучшее издание молодого ученого», 18.11.2015 г. | |
4. Медаль «За заслуги и достижения» Союза Национальных бизнес-рейтингов Казахстана, России, Белоруссии, Украины, №159 от 28/04/2014 г. | |
5. Почетная грамота МОН РК, 2017 г. | |
Гуляева С.П. | Награждена Почетной Грамотой Министра образования и науки РК за вклад в развитие системы образования. 2017 год. |
Казимова А.Х. | Юбилейная медаль «За вклад в развитие университета» к 20-летию UIB. |
Благодарственное письмо МОН РК за личный вклад в развитие системы образования РК. Октябрь, 2018г. | |
Несипбеков Е.Н. | Медаль Білім беру саласындағы үздігі куәлік №B1-797. 1 қазан 2018 жыл; |
Қоғамдық марапаттар мен атақтар жөніндегі Республикалық Қенес Марапат алқасының 2018 жылғы 28 қыркүйекетегі №166 бұырғы бойынша «Білім беру саласының үздігі медалі (Қоғамдық марапаттар жөніндегі Республикалық Қеңес) |
The employability of graduates of the management education programme is at least 85%. During the study of the educational program conducted by the Central Committee, it showed -91.7% in 2019, 85.7% in 2020, 88% in 2021, 88.2% in 2022.
Employment of graduates of the educational program accounting and auditing at a level of at least 90%. During the study of the educational program conducted by the Central Committee, it showed -100% in 2019, 100% in 2020, 95.8% in 2021, and 90.91% in 2022
Employment of graduates of the educational program marketing at the level of not less than 76%. During the study of the educational program conducted by the Central Committee, it showed -95% in 2019, 100% in 2020, 76.92% in 2021, 76.92% in 2022.
Employment of graduates of the educational program of finance at a level not lower than 83.5%. During the study of the educational program conducted by the Central Committee, it showed -95.12% in 2019, 86.67% in 2020, 83.51% in 2021, 86.42% in 2022.
Employment of graduates of the educational program is at least 75%. During the study of the educational program conducted by the Central Committee, it showed -100% in 2019, 100% in 2020, 91.43% in 2021, 75% in 2022.
Employment for universities is becoming one of the main indicators today. The percentage of employment of graduates of Caspian university increases from year to year.
The Career Center acts as a key link between the university and the labor market. To assist in finding internship and employment opportunities, the career center is constantly working to expand the network of strategic partners of the Caspian University. Employment for universities is becoming one of the main indicators today. The percentage of employment of graduates of Caspian University increases from year to year. This year, the average employment rate was 86.05%. From the moment of graduation within 12 calendar months, 75% of graduates have permanent pension contributions, that is, graduates have been employed since the moment of professional practice.
2018 – 85,8%
2019 – 85,0%
2020 – 91,3%
2021 – 78,3%
2022 – 86,05%