Before you start learning, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Main page of the educational portal caspidot and get acquainted with the main documents:

Academic calendar for the academic year 2019 – 2020; 
Instructions for students on working with the educational portal;
The list of disciplines provided by the educational program for the 1st year of the 2019-2020 academic year;
Support Hotline Contacts 8-777-0309955;

  • To access the training courses, you need to "Log in" to the portal under your Username and Password, which was given to you by the Distance Education Center.
    You will find the study material for the 1st year disciplines, for semesters in your Personal Account at the link "My courses".
    In your Personal Account, you will be able to post information about yourself and communicate with students of your group using the links "My group" and "Personal Data".
    On the "Teachers" tab, you can find information about teachers.
     Questions and answers on the academic discipline are provided in the general "forum-chat" with the direct participation of the teacher;
    Answers to questions on technical support, organization of the educational process are provided via WhatsApp in the chat of your group;
    What kind of material will I find in each discipline?

    The course structure is divided into 4 main sections.

    Section 1 - General information: News Forum. Forum consultation.

    Methodical material: Syllabus. Glossary. List of literature. Schedule of consultations with the teacher, Materials of practical tasks on the discipline.

    Section 2 - Theoretical material. A course of lectures or presentations. The teacher can place individual topics at his discretion in the form of a presentation with comments and a link to the literature;
    Section 3 - Course videos - Webinars.
    Section 4 - Materials (questions) of boundary controls 1 and 2; Questions of Final control (exam)

    Note: Placement of completed practical tasks, passing boundary controls and passing the exam is carried out in the tab "final control" within each discipline.

  • During theoretical training, you need to start studying Lecture material/presentations, watching video lectures. Read an electronic course of lectures (presentations).
    When studying the course, also use the main and additional literature.
  • The list of literary sources is contained in the Syllabus of the discipline, in lectures and in the general section.
    It is necessary to familiarize yourself with practical tasks, methodological recommendations for their implementation, if this is provided for by the discipline. Recommendations for implementation are presented by teachers within the discipline, taking into account the specifics of the discipline.

The educational process provides for the implementation of practical tasks in each discipline;

After studying the lecture and additional training material recommended by the teacher, you need to complete practical tasks.

After successful completion of practical tasks , you can get admission to the Border Control .

Send it to the teacher of the discipline   practical tasks for verification are necessary in accordance with the dates set by the teacher before the 6th and 13th weeks of each semester.

Note: violation of the deadlines for submitting practical assignments for verification provides for a score of "0" and is the basis for the formation of academic debt in the discipline.

Carefully study the teaching materials in lectures and video lectures.

Use the acquired knowledge when performing RC1 and RC2.

Boundary control 1 and 2 will take place in the form of online testing on the portal.

  • Boundary control 1 - take place during 7-8 weeks of each semester.
  • Boundary control 2 - take place during the 14th -15th week of each semester.

You can use the Consultation Forum to discuss lecture material and complete tasks on the discipline being studied together with the teacher and students of the group within the time limits set by the teacher within each discipline.

Note: violation of the deadlines for a student to pass boundary controls 1 and 2 provides for a score of "0" and is the basis for the formation of academic debt in the discipline.

Upon completion of work with the study material and successful completion of all practical tasks and passing the Boundary controls, you receive admission to take the exam.

The final exam will be held during the Winter and Summer Examination sessions, in accordance with the exam schedule.

The examination session is held at the end of semesters, for 2 weeks.

The exam is performed in the form of testing on an educational portal hosted in an information system protected from unauthorized access and fraud using Skype. The use of Skype when taking the exam ensures the verification of the student.

Before the exams, online consultations are held with teachers of disciplines according to the schedule set by the teacher.

To pass the final exam, it is necessary to obtain an admission rating (RD) of at least 50 points out of 100 maximum for all types of practical tasks and boundary controls;.

Retake of the exam is provided for the final assessment of the discipline FX.

The F assessment provides for the re-mastering of the discipline in the summer semester on a paid basis.

Academic achievements in all types of training sessions consist of the result of the boundary control (60% of the final grade) and the final examination testing at the end of the semester (40% of the final grade).

Recommendations for conducting an interactive lesson in the Forum-consultation:

Working in the Forum is the organization of feedback with the teacher, which will allow you to complete the course faster and more successfully.  The schedule of consultations within each discipline is set by the teacher in the GENERAL section within each discipline.

 Ask the teacher questions, try to get the help you need from him.

Individual consultations with teachers can be by e-mail, as well as at a meeting in the academic building in agreement with the teacher and other types of communication. The teacher looks through the questions and answers them on the days specified in the Consultation Schedule. If the teacher does not answer your questions, then you can contact the coordinator of the CDO.

Internet conference in the Webinar mode, the duration is 50 minutes, according to the schedule.

A webinar is a group discussion with a teacher of an educational topic or problem in real time online, according to a schedule.

The webinar is held with a demonstration of any educational materials (presentations, documents, video and audio clips).

During the webinar, teachers can conduct surveys, you need to prepare for the survey beforehand and answer the teacher's questions online, creating an atmosphere of being in the classroom.

If you were unable to participate in the online Webinar, then you will be able to view its video offline on the portal.


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