Nussenov Zholdasbek Muslimovich
To write– cu@cu.edu.kz
To call– 8 (727) 323 10 09
Rector of Caspian University since 2013. He has a PhD degree from the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University of the Faculty of Jurisprudence. Graduate of KarSU (1990), Faculty of Law.
Academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences.
Good afternoon, dear guests of our website, students, colleagues!
Let me welcome you to the Caspian University website!
Throughout its 27-year history and loyalty to classical standards, Caspian University gives its students not only fundamental knowledge that allows them to walk through life with their heads held high, but also instills in students traditions of serving truth, goodness, justice. Many graduates do not break ties with their alma mater throughout their lives, forever preserving in their hearts a sense of the deepest respect for their university and teachers.
The main values of Caspian University are professionalism as adherence to the highest ethical standards, innovation as a source of generating new knowledge and, of course, learning technologies. Following its values, KU occupies a leading position in the education market in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Today, Caspian University ranks third among private higher education institutions and is among the 20 strongest specialized universities in the country according to the National Rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan by the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NCAOKO). Our three-level (Bachelor’s-Master’s-doctoral) programs are accredited by the German accreditation agency ACQUIN as meeting international quality standards.
Our programs confidently occupy the top lines of the national program rating. The Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (NAAR) has published a National ranking of the demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the areas and levels of training of specialists in 2017, where, for example, KU takes 1st place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty “Finance”, 2nd place in the specialty “Oil and Gas business” and 3rd place in the specialty “Jurisprudence”. The authority of the HSE Adilet is indisputable for all specialists in this field, the name of the HSE Adilet is known to everyone in our country. Employers in the queue become for
The Caspian University differs from other universities in large-scale projects that are global in nature. This is confirmed by 4 successful projects of the European Union “Erasmus+” in the field of Green economy, logistics and Electronic Microengineering.
A team of like-minded people contributes to the implementation of complex tasks. A powerful teaching staff, represented by such teachers as the authors of many legislative acts and amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Suleimenov M.K., Didenko A.G., the discoverer of the oil and gas field “Zhana Zhol” Mayemer M.S., financiers who contributed to the formation of the financial system and the work of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chelekbai A.D., and Ziyabekov B.Z. appeared the basis of the success of Caspian University graduates. All students of Caspian University are forever united by the knowledge gained at Caspian University, love for science, good memories of student life, gratitude to teachers.
Today, among the social initiatives of the university are projects for the preservation of the Sivers apple tree, the preservation of the gene pool of sturgeon fish species in the Caspian Sea, the opening of the Caspian Soul psychological assistance center, the opening of the legal clinic of Academician Basin to provide legal assistance to the poor, the joint project with Nurbank JSC “A Start in Life”, which provides grants for training children from orphanages (at the moment, 40 students are studying at KOU under the program “Ticket to life”) and many others.
Welcome to Caspian University!