Master Programme “Green Logistics Management”

Master Programme – “Green Logistics Management“: Advancing Trans-Eurasian Accessibility through Sustainable Logistics Management and ICT Competence / LogOn-U
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

According to the findings of EU research project “East West Transport Corridor-2”, the European transport sector (esp. Eastern Europe, the Baltic sea Region) depends also on Logistics competence level in KZ and RU. In spite of “Customs Union” between RU and KZ ( created in 2010) and highly prioritized national strategies in KZ and RU for Logistics Management, the current competence level and educational realities there do not meet the real demand of the EU partners (cf. EWTC-2). There is a disastrous unbalanced approach in RU,KZ; huge investments nowadays in hard-infrastructure (road, railways, terminals) vs. very low educational level in Logistics. It is not the lack of financial resources or political will in KZ or RU, but the lack of specialists, deficits Logistics competences that prevent partner countries from efficient implementation of their strategic transport policies; it keeps also the EU companies from sustainable growth in this sector. In responsible to identified challenges and to the great improvement demand of Logistics competences in KZ and RU, the project aims at implementation of MSc Programme “Green Logistics Management” to be implemented in partner Universities by September 2017.
LogOn-U sets ambitious goal to advance Trans-Eurasian accessibility through strengthening Logistics competitiveness, and bringing Partner Universities in KZ and RU on international level according to Bologna process in fields of sustainable, i.e. “Green” Logistics Management. The international component will be strengthened via promoting inter-regional cooperation, since modern transport challenged are mostly of global nature, thus a common and consolidated approach is needed. Through complex measures and project activities the academic content at relevant faculties in Partner Universities in Logistics Management will be brought to the EU standards and Bologna process. Durability, transferability of the project of the project results will be secured through efficient and targeted dissemination.
Caspian University is a partner of this unique program, among prestigious universities in different countries (see below). Now work is already underway to implement the project.
№ | Code | Organisation Name | Participation country |
1 | APP | Hochschule Wismar-Fachhochschulefur Technik,WIRT | DE |
2 | PAR | Caspian Public University | КZ |
3 | PAR | Industrial-commercial firm BETAR LTD. | RU |
4 | PAR | Kazan National Research Technical University | RU |
5 | PAR | Linkopings Universitet | SE |
6 | PAR | Ministry of Education and Science | КZ |
7 | PAR | Kostanay State University | КZ |
8 | PAR | Rostov State Economical University | RU |
9 | PAR | Rudny Industrial Institute | КZ |
10 | PAR | St.Petersburg State Polytechnical University | RU |
11 | PAR | Tallinna Tehnikaulikool | EE |