Program of the scientific internships in the World laboratories – 2025

The Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation launches its annual grant competition for 10 grants for undergraduate students, master’s students, and active research associates who wish to undertake a research internship in a leading laboratory of the world. IF YOU ARE: A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Enrolled at a university in Kazakhstan or an active research […]

Результаты рассмотрения заявлений коллегиальным органом УО “Каспийский общественный Университет”

№ Ф.И.О. всех претендентов  Код и наименование группы образовательных программ Курс GPA Статус рассмотрения заявлений согласно решению коллегиального органа вуза 1 Ерболқызы Еңлік B073 – Архитектура 1 3,69 удовлетворен 2 Сапарбек Рауан Болатұлы B073 – Архитектура 1 3,55 не удовлетворен 3 Досмахан Ернұр Қадырбайұлы B073 – Архитектура 1 3,54 не удовлетворен 4 Сайфулина Лолита Александровна […]

Direct determination of the dynamic properties of a nonideal plasma

Currently, the research work of the university is carried out within the framework of 7 scientific projects. The subject of scientific projects covers the solution of economic issues. The educational process at the university is significantly different from what you are used to in secondary school. One of the most important tasks of higher education […]

Correspondence programs

Examination and additional entrance examinations. The students of the correspondence program are given the theoretical foundations of school subjects, methods of solving various problems are demonstrated, and the methodology for answering examination questions is explained. Teaching materials of the correspondence program contain a large number of tasks of various levels of complexity to consolidate the […]

Preparation for admission

We are ready to be assistants in your development: we have something and from whom to learn, We have rich traditions, we have a good base and prospects, which means that you have them too. Now it seems to you that all the hardest things are behind you, and carefree student years about which they […]