Acceptance of documents for participation in the Erasmus+ program for teachers and staff

As part of the inter-institutional agreement about Erasmus + programme, particularly in terms of the academic mobility of teachers and staff between University of Gdansk and Caspian University

The Graduate School of Economics and Management announces the acceptance of documents for participation in this programme among teachers and staff until February 9, 2022.

The Erasmus + program is intended for teachers who wish to teach at a partner university in English as part of the Erasmus + international credit mobility programme at the expense of the hosting university. There is also an opportunity for staff to  exchange knowledge and experience if they meet the established requirements.

The selection process consists of several stages:

  1. Notification of staff and teachers about the acceptance of documents and selection process required for participation under Erasmus+ programme on the web-site.
  2. Preliminary selection conducted by the internal commission for compliance with the requirements and collection of necessary documents.
  3. Sending a list of selected candidates and their documents to the Partner University, which subsequently makes a decision on the invitation of this candidate.

Participation requirements:

  1. Confirmed level of English: advanced level of proficiency (С1) (IELTS or TOEFL language certificates, foreign education, study in English track department at Kazakhstani universities);
  2. Education: diploma not lower than the level of a master degree;
  3. Experience in teaching in English within the framework of programs in management, marketing, economics, finance, accounting and audit (for teachers);
  4. Proposal of what will be done within the framework of cooperation, in case of selection of a candidate (for staff and teachers as well)

Required documents

CV in English

For teachers, the syllabus of the proposed discipline for teaching at a partner university in English;

For staff and teachers, the proposal for what will be done within the framework of this cooperation  under Erasmus+ programme according to the table below:

An example of proposal

Proposal from the staff (teacher) ________________________ (full name, position) as part of the Erasmus + mobility in the period from _______ to ____________ at ___________________ (University, country):

1. Teaching (for teaching staff) _______________ (course name, number of hours)

2. Planned meetings with (name of host university departments) (for staff)

3. Collection of contact details after meeting with the international department or responsible unit at the hosting university, as well as from other departments.

4. Discussion with responsible persons for setting some projects (for example, a joint summer school, exchange programme, double degree programme, publication of articles, participation in scientific conferences, etc.)

5. Participation in an international exhibition at a partner university as a representative of Caspian University, if possible during Staff Week.

6. Presentation of Caspian University for potential exchange students, promoting of incoming academic mobility to increase foreign exchange students from a partner university. Collection of contact details of interested students, and directing to the responsible university departments upon arrival.

7. Visiting other universities and organizations in the country/city where the employee/teacher travels

8. Other activity ___________


Tasks could change depending on the specialization of the employee / teacher and the goals of a particular mobility.


Documents must be submitted no later than February 9, 18:00 pm by e-mail to or brought to the office 305. For all questions, please contact to

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