Nussenov Zholdasbek Musslimovich
Write – cu@cu.edu.kz
Call – 8 (727) 323 10 09
Rector of Caspian University since 2013. He holds a PhD from the Kazakh humanitarian-law University of the Faculty of Jurisprudence. Graduate of Kargu (1990g.), Faculty of Jurisprudence. Zholdasbek Musslivich worked in law enforcement agencies and was the head of the secretariat of the staff of Parliament of RK. Since 2005 Zholdasbek has been a member of the Ccrk “Zsk”.
Academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences.

First Vice-rector of the UMR
Duysengulova Nurzhamal Salimgeryevna
Write – n.duisengulova@cu.edu.kz
Call – 8 (727) 323 10 09
Nurzhamal Salimgeryevna, Ph.D. in economics, professor. Graduated from Karaganda State University. E. Buketova majoring in “Economics and planning of material and technical supply”, postgraduate study of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences Mes RK. Professional activity was carried out at the positions of the head of the Strategy Development Center (Kazeu T. Ryskulov/Narkhoz), Dean, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs (International Academy of Business/Almaty Management University). Member of Working Group of MES RK on development of normative legal documents, expert of independent Kazakhstan agency of Quality assurance of education.

Vice-rector for Science and development
Kuatbayev Azat Kuangalievich
Write – a.kuatbaev@cu.edu.kz
Call – 8 (727) 323 10 09
Azat Kuangalievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences. Graduated from the doctoral studies in Zao “Research and Design Institute of Building Materials (research and construction project)” Vice-rector is the chairman and member of the Expert Council on Specialties of doctoral studies – construction, building materials and Transport of the Committee on Control in the field of science and education mes RK. Azat Kuangalievich has 5 patents/author’s certificates, also published 79 scientific works, including 3 monographs.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Oksana Kirichok
Write – o.kirichok@cu.edu.kz
Call – 8 (727) 323 10 09
Oksana Valentovna – PhD, graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, USA under the program Bolashak and Nazarbayev University. Vice-Rector is the author of more than 10 scientific publications indexed by Thomson Reuters and Scopus, it developed a rating system of evaluation of universities on the basis of a dynamic norm. Oksana Valentinovna is the laureate of the foundation of the first President-the leader of nations for achievement in the field of science and technology. He has extensive experience of international and national projects organizations.