Dear friends!
We all want to be happy, don’t we?
Happiness is an opportunity to live the way you want, to follow the call of the heart and the dictates of the soul! The soul is eternal life, it is what lifts us above any ordinary. The soul is a source of creativity, and every person has it! Each of us can become happy by developing our talents and inclinations! It’s never too early or too late to be happy, but always on time! Discover your true humanity – your way of creating! Bring something new and beautiful to the world, make the world a better place! Master your creative power! Make your life brighter
and happier! Come to Karina Sarsenova’s Art School!
Karina Sarsenova
Karina Sarsenova’s Art School is a platform for realizing her creative potential. Choosing an educational institution and a future profession is one of the most important and responsible moments in life. Professional growth, career, and opportunities for self-realization depend on the quality of the education received. In our art school, we are trying to combine all the most advanced and valuable that the Kazakh, Russian, American, and European education systems have accumulated. Karina Sarsenova’s Art School is very young and dynamically developing. Extracurricular life is interesting and rich: shooting clips, films, organizing concerts, theatrical productions. At the beginning of the third millennium, we are optimistic about the future.
Our ship confidently sails on the waves of the stormy sea of our life.
Dean of the Karina Sarsenova School of Art
Berekeshev Galymzhan Karibzhanovich

Specialties of the School of Arts
Acting is a professional creative activity in the field of performing arts, consisting in the creation of stage images (roles), a type of performing art. Performing a certain role in a theatrical performance, the actor seems to liken himself to the person on whose behalf he acts in the play. By influencing the viewer during the performance, a special playing space and a community of actors and spectators are created.
Applicants on the basis of secondary education (after grades 9 and 11) must pass creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”.
Applicants on the basis of secondary special education (after college) need to pass KTA and creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”
1. Dual education system;
2. The curriculum is based on the VGIK standards;
3. The best PPS;
4. Cooperation with the largest production center in Kazakhstan, KS-production;
5. The presence of a platform for creative growth – the Experimental theater of the musical;
6. Participation in international projects, festivals and competitions;
7. Master classes from pop stars, maestro of academic vocal and instrumental genre, famous actors, composers, directors;
8. The possibility of receiving discounts and preferential conditions;
9. The possibility of employment in partner companies.
Pop vocals are the development of musical abilities, the formation of singing skills and the improvement of vocal skills: singing attitude, sound formation, singing breathing, articulation, intonation, range development. The development of ensemble singing skills, the development of harmonic hearing and intonation, as well as the acquisition of teamwork skills.
Admission conditions:
Applicants on the basis of secondary education (after grades 9 or 11) must pass creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”.
Applicants on the basis of secondary special education (after college) need to pass KTA and creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”
- Dual education system;
- The curriculum is based on the VGIK standards;
- Best PPS;
- Cooperation with the largest production center in Kazakhstan, KS-production;
- The presence of a platform for creative growth – the Experimental theater of the musical;
- Participation in international projects, festivals and competitions;
- Master classes from pop stars, maestro of academic vocal and instrumental genre, famous actors, composers, directors;
- The possibility of receiving discounts and preferential conditions;
- The possibility of employment in partner companies.

Galymzhan Berekeshev
The director of the Karina Sarsenova School of Art, the main composer of the KS production production center, the author of many popular songs and music for films, the creator and artistic director of the famous vocal group “Kazyna”.

Asem Kopbaeva (ASEM)
The first ethno-pop rocker of Kazakhstan, theater and film actress, TV presenter, model. She is a graduate of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK).

Meruert Musrali
Singer, theater and film actress. The winner of international and national competitions. She was invited to the Eurovision Children’s Academy as a member of the jury from Kazakhstan, conducts international master classes, professionally teaches pop vocals in the largest music universities of the country.

Serik Nurmoldaev
Deputy Director of the School of Arts Karina Sarsenova. Master of Arts, singer-instrumentalist, member of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble “Turan”, soloist of the ethno-jazz duo ST brothers, composer, teacher of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, teacher in the class “saz-syrnai” and “sybyzgy”.

Angelika Shagarova
Singer, actress, soloist of the only female academic trio Parnas and vocal ensemble Kazyna, master and teacher of the children’s music school.

Bekmukhanbetov Bauyrzhan Duysenbekuly
Master of Arts, multi-instrumentalist musician of the best ethno-folklore ensemble Turan, teacher of gymnasium No. 83 in the class “dombra” and “ensemble”, researcher at the Museum of Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments named after Atlas.

Arykbayev Abzal Sergazyuly
Master of Arts; multi-instrumentalist of the best ethno-folklore ensemble Turan, expert on the intangible heritage of the Kazakh people from UNESCO; researcher of folklore musical instruments; head of the research department of the Museum of Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments named after Atlas; Vice-President of the International Public Foundation “Heritage of Nomadic Civilization”.

Medeubek Maksat Sagatbekuly
Master of Arts, multi-instrumentalist musician of the best ethno-folklore ensemble Turan, composer, teacher of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy and the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov, researcher at the Museum of Kazakh Folk Musical Instruments named after Atlas.

Nurmoldaev Tokhtar Toktasynovich
Singer-instrumentalist, graduate of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, manager of Caspian University, teacher in the class “dombyra” DMSH No. 12.
Short-term courses
The Piano program is aimed at the creative, aesthetic, spiritual and moral development of the student, creating conditions for him to gain experience in performing practice, independent work on the comprehension of musical art. The approach to the students of the music school is individual, as are the classes. During piano lessons, physiological characteristics, the initial level of musical education, and the tasks you set are taken into account.
It is important to understand what you expect from learning to play the piano – the ability to perform a simple repertoire, accompany chords, or comprehend the secrets of mastery, continue a career as a musician, participate in competitions, give concerts? Perhaps you want to master jazz piano or play in a pop band?
For any purpose, training begins with the development of the right fit, the setting of the hands, which allows you to master a variety of techniques, techniques, to achieve the ease of performing the most virtuosic works. Piano lessons include various exercises for the development of performing skills.
About the course:
The opportunity to learn to play the piano for everyone;
Training according to an individually compiled program;
Experienced teachers;
Class concerts and report concerts;
Flexible schedule of classes;
Affordable price of training;
Discount for the purchase of a “package” of courses
– Cost of 1 hour: 3500 tenge.
– The frequency of classes is 2 times a week.
– The time of classes is determined individually.
Discounts are provided to students, teachers and employees of the Caspian University, as well as their family members.
Pop vocals are the development of musical abilities, the formation of singing skills and the improvement of vocal skills: singing attitude, sound formation, singing breathing, articulation, intonation, range development. The development of ensemble singing skills, the development of harmonic hearing and intonation, as well as the acquisition of teamwork skills.
Admission conditions:
Applicants on the basis of secondary education (after grades 9 or 11) must pass creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”.
Applicants on the basis of secondary special education (after college) need to pass KTA and creative exams in the areas of “Pop vocals”, “Acting”
Dual education system;
The curriculum is based on the VGIK standards;
Best PPS;
Cooperation with the largest production center in Kazakhstan, KS-production;
The presence of a platform for creative growth – the Experimental theater of the musical;
Participation in international projects, festivals and competitions;
Master classes from pop stars, maestro of academic vocal and instrumental genre, famous actors, composers, directors;
The possibility of receiving discounts and preferential conditions;
The possibility of employment in partner companies.
In the distant ancient culture of the Kazakh people, such musical instruments as dombyra, sybyzgy, kobyz, asatayak, dauylpaz, sherter, zhetygen, kos syrnai, kerney, and many others occupied a rather significant place. Their subsequent development was directly related to the development of music in neighboring countries due to common languages, common way of life, common rituals and customs. Kazakh folk instruments are divided into 5 main groups: percussion, plucked, stringed, wind, tongue.
You can master the art of playing any of these instruments at the Art School courses.
The purpose of the program is to teach the basics of playing Kazakh folk instruments.
Professional masters of dombra music, teachers of the Kazakh National Conservatory will work with you. Kurmangazy and the Zhurgenov National Academy of Arts, laureates of international and republican competitions and festivals, participants of the world-famous folk-ethnographic ensemble “Turan”.
During the training period, you will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with the meters of dombra music, as well as participate in concerts and creative evenings, in the filming of music videos and films.
– Classes are held individually.
– Cost of 1 lesson: 3500 tenge.
– Duration of 1 lesson: 50 min.
– The frequency of courses is 2 times a week.
– The time of classes is determined individually.
When choosing 2 or 3 subjects, you get a discount in payment for the “package” of courses.
Discounts are provided to students, teachers and employees of the Caspian University, as well as their family members.
Modern dance is a spectacular performance that arouses great interest among the younger generation. In this kind of art, a variety of dance styles and elements of stage tricks are laconically combined into one whole.
The program is aimed at providing students with the opportunity to express themselves in dance, developing the ability to achieve creative expression of emotions through plastic, as well as training a professional dancer.
The Modern Dance program is a synthesis of types and forms of choreographic training, the creation of an integrated learning model: (jazz dance, modern dance, classical dance, rhythmics, stretching), the emphasis is placed on the study of modern choreography.
The goal is to develop the creative abilities of students, the formation of aesthetic, cultural and moral values through teaching modern dance.
Classes are held in groups.
– Cost of 1 lesson: 3000 tenge.
– Duration: 90 min.
– Frequency: 2 times a week.
This course can be an addition to other disciplines (academic vocals, pop vocals, acting, piano, etc.) – in this case you are entitled to a discount in payment.
Discounts are provided to students, teachers and employees of the Caspian University, as well as their family members.
Acting courses are available to people of any age. They will help you become more self-confident, learn to be able to control emotions in various life situations, develop creative abilities, make your voice open and effective, become a brighter and more interesting person. With the help of various acting techniques, attention, imagination, voice, body plasticity, emotional range, the ability to improvise, public speaking skills, stage courage and much more are developed. Classes are held in an easy form of a game, so information and skills are learned very easily and naturally.
Professional masters of acting, stars of Kazakh cinematography, teachers of the Zhurgenov National Academy of Arts, laureates of international and republican competitions and festivals will work with you.
During the training period, you will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with the meters of pop singing, world stars, as well as participate in concerts and creative evenings, in the filming of music videos and films, in musicals.
– Cost of 1 lesson: 3000 tenge.
– Duration of 1 sitting: 90 min.
– Classes are held in groups.
– The frequency of courses is 2 times a week.
This course can be an addition to other disciplines (academic vocals, pop vocals, acting, piano, etc.) – in this case you are entitled to a discount in payment.
Discounts are provided to students, teachers and employees of the Caspian University, as well as their family members.
Academic vocal training most often involves working without a microphone. So, opera performers “fill” the spaces of huge concert halls only with the power and volume of their own voice! Academic vocal lessons are a set of classes focused on the formation and development of the physiology of the voice: the formulation of proper breathing, the development of articulation apparatus, coordination of external and internal hearing, etc. Even posture matters here!
The School of Arts has developed a program of academic vocal classes for children and adults. Success when working with a child depends on the skill of the teacher and the mood of the student himself. Our school is proud of its teaching staff:
During the training period, you will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with the meters of academic singing, world stars, as well as participate in concerts and creative evenings, in the filming of music videos and films.
– Individual classes.
– The cost of 1 lesson: 3500 tenge.
– Duration of 1 lesson: 50 min.
– The frequency of courses is 2 times a week.
– The time of classes is determined individually.
When choosing 2 or 3 subjects, you get a discount in payment for the “package” of courses.
Discounts are provided to students, teachers and employees of the Caspian University, as well as their family members.
Short-term courses:

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