International Student Competition on International Commercial Arbitration

From March 15 to March 18, 2022, the IX International Student Competition on International Commercial Arbitration named after M.G. Rosenberg was held in Moscow. The organizers of the competition are the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT) and the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the CCI of Russia (ICAC). 36 teams from Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Belarus took part in the competition. The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented at this competition by the team of the Caspian University. The team representing our university included Kristina Proskurina (team captain), Olzhas Alimov, Nurzhan Maksatov and Dinara Moldabergenova. The coach of the team was Saida Aminovna Akimbekova, Doctor of Law, academic professor of the Higher School of Law “Adilet”.

Dean of the Higher School of Law “Adilet”, Doctor of Law, Professor Svetlana Pavlovna Moroz acted as an arbitrator in this competition and took part in three games of the qualifying round: 1) teams of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration No. III (Moscow) on the part of the plaintiff and the team of the Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan) on the part of the defendant; 2) the teams of Tomsk State University on the part of the plaintiff and the team of Tashkent State Law University on the part of the defendant; 3) the teams of the Tashkent State Law University on the part of the plaintiff and the team of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow) on the part of the defendant.

The competition is held as a model arbitration, where students — team members act before a panel of professional arbitrators as representatives of the plaintiff and the defendant. The case is being investigated based on real cases. In this competition, the students had the task to present the positions of the parties – the Kenyan company Adlar and Partners as the plaintiff and the Russian company Masters–Professional JSC as the defendant, in a dispute due to the failure of delivery dates and under-delivery of diesel generators intended for the construction of a hospital in Marsabit (Kenya).

The arbitrators noted the high theoretical training of the team members on the legal regulation of foreign economic activity and arbitration law, including international universal conventions, other international documents and principles, as well as arbitration rules, including the ICAC Rules at the RF CCI, as well as excellent teamwork. As the Chairman of the jury of the competition, Vice-President of the CCI of the Russian Federation Vadim Chubarov noted, international commercial arbitration as a way of settling disputes and uniting specialists in foreign economic relations is actively developing, and this competition is a confirmation of this!

According to the results of the competition, the team of the Caspian University won in the nomination “Logic in legal thinking” and took the prize in the nomination “The Best memorandum of the Defendant”. Along with this, a member of our team Olzhas Alimov took the prize in the nomination “Convincing performance – top 5”! We congratulate our team members and their coach on such a wonderful performance! Thank you very much!!!

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