staff mobility for teaching


Recruitment to the Erasmus + / STA Partner Countries programme

Adilet Law School of Caspian Public University / University of Gdańsk

  1. Eligible for recruitment: academic teachers employed at the Adilet Law School of Caspian Public University
  2. Place of research and teaching staff mobility: University of Gdańsk (Poland) under a bilateral agreement
  3. Date of departure: September-December 2021 (completion by 15 December 2021 at the latest).
  4. Duration of the trip: 5 working days + 2 days for travel, according to the terms of the agreement between the Erasmus+ National Agency and the University of Gdańsk
  5. Amount of funding for the trip: defined in the terms of the agreement between the Erasmus+ National Agency and the University of Gdańsk
  6. Number of vacancies: 1 (one)

Terms and conditions of recruitment

  1. The evaluation committee consists of:

Saida Akimbekova, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor of Caspian Public University, Adilet Law School, Chairman

Salavat Dilmukhametov, PhD, Associate Professor of Caspian Public University, Adilet Law School,   Member of the commission

Nurlan Tleshaliyev, Master of Laws, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs at Adilet Law School, Secretary

  1. Deadline for submitting applications by scientific and teaching staff interested in going to University of Gdańsk: from 27 August to 06 September 2021
  2. Place of submission of the documentation according to the criteria set out below: room 210, Mrs Zhanar Duissenova, deadline for the announcement of the outcome of the evaluation committee’s works: 07 September 2021

The list includes a list of persons qualified for the main list and qualified for the reserve list.

  1. A protocol shall be drawn up for the qualification procedure in accordance with the rules applicable at the Caspian Public University.

Criteria for candidates

  1. Authorship of foreign-language scientific publications, in particular in Russian and English.
  2. Presentation of the initial concept of teaching activities for students of the University of Gdańsk (15 hours), taking into account the specifics of the education of the host university.
  3. Proven experience in the field of international cooperation.
  4. Having (at least) a PhD degree.
  5. Knowledge of English sufficiently to enable conducting classes with students.
  6. Declaration to popularize international scientific cooperation between partner universities in the academic environment.

Method of evaluation and selection of candidates

The evaluation and selection of candidates will be based on the submitted documentation.

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