Каспийский Университет примет участие в обсуждении «горячих» вопросов влияния пандемии на высшее образование.

Каспийский Университет примет участие в обсуждении «горячих» вопросов влияния пандемии на высшее образование.

21 – 22 сентября этого года, Ассоциация Европейских Университетов объединит мировое сообщество Университетов онлайн для обсуждения финансового и экономического влияния кризиса, связанного с КОВИД -2019, на сектор Высшего Образования.

Онлайн – сессия, запланированная на 22 сентября, доступна для регистрации и участия всем желающим.


14.30-16.00     Plenary session: Funding university transformation in times of crisis

The crisis is affecting and will affect university finances differently depending on the income structure, according to the latest EUA report. Negative economic fallout will put pressure on public finances and the need for greater efficiencies may push public authorities to seek alternative forms of restructuring. Where do policymakers see potential for transformation and efficiency in the sector? What are possible ways in which the “funding mix” may evolve? Is there a greater role for competitive funding? How can funder organisations work together to generate synergies? The panellists will share their perspectives on the future collaboration with the university sector. The session will stimulate a dialogue between representatives of public authorities and other partner organisations with the university sector around the topics of funding and governance.

  • Sperakers:
  • Abigail Ruth Freeman, Director of Science for Society at Science Foundation Ireland
  • Anita Lehikoinen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
  • Javier Roglá, Global Director Santander Universities, CEO Universia Holding, Spain
  • Moderator: Pedro Teixeira, Director, CIPES – Centre of Research on Higher Education Policies, Portugal

Register for 1st session

18.00-19.30     Plenary session: The future of EU funding for education and research

European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, will present the Commission’s plans for universities in the post-crisis period. EUA President Michael Murphy will then engage in a dialogue with key stakeholders in European higher education and research to discuss the sector’s views and engage in the conversation around the next Multiannual Financial Framework, Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ and the European University Initiative. This high-level dialogue will offer an opportunity for the sector to engage in the conversation around the next EU policy and programming phase and discuss experiences and visions for future EU policies in the area of higher education and research.


  • Pieter Duisenberg, President of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands
  • Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
  • Michael Murphy, President of the European University Association
  • Moderator: Liviu Matei, Provost and Professor of Higher Ed Policy, Central European University

Register for 2nd session

Ссылки для регистрации представлены под каждой сессией!

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